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Located on the banks of the Han River, the city of An’Kang is a medium-sized settlement about a three-hour drive south of Xi’an — the ancient capital of China — and just past the Qinglin mountains, the mountain range that is commonly considered the natural boundary between northern and southern China. To protect the region’s many water resources from contamination, most of the industries have been relocated elsewhere. This follows the ancient — but still valid — planning principle of 南水北调 (nan shui bei diao), meaning that southern China should provide water resources for the drier North. We were commissioned to redesign a centrally located area of 290 hectares that was developed by the local metalworks industry in the past.
安康市地处秦巴腹地,汉水之滨,是一个位于古都西安以南约3小时车程距离的宜居小城。安康北依秦岭山脉这一神奇的中国南北自然分界线。安康作为南水北调工程这一旨在解决中国北方水资源短缺的战略性工程的重要水源涵养地,为了防止区域内水源受到污染,很多工业已搬迁至其他地方。我们被委托为这一290公顷的城市中心区,前水电三局的工厂及员工生活区域进行城市更新设计。 |
CREDITS 2018, Commission
with Between Studio
Location An'Kang, Shanxi, China
Size 290 hectares
Design team Daniele Baratelli, Yu Jing 余净, Wei Lin 魏林, Chen Jing 陈静, Elena Ruberto |
The site presented many interesting features such as old industrial buildings and workers’ residences (mostly concrete or brick structures), a riverside park with the oldest Pagoda of the town, and the city’s newly built museum. 这一场地具有很多有趣的特色,如混凝土或砖结构的旧工业建筑、前国企工人的住宅区,沿江公园及中国传统建筑风格的观景楼,新建的城市博物馆等。
Our design creates a cozy and vibrant downtown through a careful urban regeneration that is well aware of the past and seeks to preserve its memory. All the built environment has been analyzed so that road enlargements will not demolish any relevant existing architecture. Industrial sheds will be reconverted into spaces for culture or business. Other plots will be developed following mixed-use and low-rise principles, using facade materials—such as light-color brick or stone—that will create a continuity with the industrial past.
The design also proposes an improvement of the slow-mobility system by adding a pedestrian and bicycle lane extension to the current bridge. 设计中还进行了慢行系统的规划和提升,并提出对现状跨江大桥增加行人和自行车道的建议。